
Sealed with an A

{image via ffffound by Andy Clymer}

When I was young, writing letters was a big part of my fun, well writing them and receiving them. I would check the mailbox daily to see if any of my friends had written back, I would inspect the envelopes, decorated like only children could, alive with color and uniqueness. I remember getting several on the same day and sitting in a little corner in my room and opening each, taking in every word and saving them for a later read before bed. Friends from summer camp, like the girl who taught me how to shave my legs in the big round communal tub, friends from the Cape, friends from college that drew me funny pictures and went on to start successful multimillion dollar businesses and even crushes from seventh grade, letters from all that I treasured and saved.

{wax seal via scribe's delight}

Back then, sealing wax was huge! We each had our own seals and wax and even a fire source in our room. Maybe it was my elementary school teachers that instilled letter writing into all of our beings. Mrs. Becker was so good at teaching grammar and writing...she got me through huge papers in high school and college. She prepared me like no other. I even made some spending money for editing papers in college. Some of those guys are running their own funds now, thanks to me. (wink) I truly believe that teachers could bring this art back if they only TRIED. I am pleading if you did not notice.

I tried very hard to get my daughter into letter writing, so she could experience the joy of personal correspondence, but texting came along so fast. I find it hard to spend quality time with her because her phone is always vibrating and her fingers are as fast as little ants on a melting heap of ice cream on the sidewalk. New rules for today's kids...put that phone away!!!

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