
Happy Halloween

{creggan cemetary, derry, ireland via shalinoth on flickr}

Have a hauntingly good time today and this evening. what a warm and "fall smelling" day. Halloween is one of my favorite fun holidays. As a creative, it was always so great to see other people who claimed they were "not creative", come out and sport some fantastic homemade costumes. Today, my thoughts are filled with fantastic memories of walking for miles, covering more than our own neighborhood with sacks full of candy that we could never consume before the chocolate was past its prime.

When my children were younger there were many more trick or treaters in my area. Fun times, as my house was the fun one, with a creepy cocktail buffet and warm apple cider, resulting in children begging to hit the road for more candy as their parents wanted to linger. They always came back in the end! Things have changed and there are few children here, so I am off to a friend's neighborhood to celebrate. I hear Franklin can be a fun town, especially around Lorraine Metcalf Road. We shall see if the ghouls and goblins have the spirit...unless they are a little tired from the hauntings at the Taute Mansion from last haunted evening. I hope the spirits are restless and ready for the real thing.

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